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    Screening Assessments and Rehabilitation for Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms

    Reach’s Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms screening assessments are an effective way to establish the extent of a patient’s head injury symptoms, inform the correct intensity of intervention, and identify the needs for any referrals and treatments.

    By correctly assessing concussions and minor head injuries, we’re able to quickly intervene and provide the best treatments for mild cognitive issues and high level executive problems in both adults and adolescents.

    With flexible delivery over remote visual platforms, PPCS assessment and treatments allow for better clinical outcomes, reducing the overall time and cost required for rehabilitation and a potential return to pre-injury function.

    Who are PPCS Services For?

    Our Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms services are suitable for adults and adolescents who have recently experienced a mild head injury with ongoing symptoms.

    This service is suitable for patients who have:


    • Experienced head trauma or a wound to the skull
    • Been diagnosed with a concussion
    • Ongoing and non-resolving post concussion symptoms
    • No evidence of cerebral cortex damage on scan-CT or standard MRI
    • Not returned to pre-accident social involvement
    • Been hampered on their return to work
    • Returned to work, but struggle with higher level cognitive demands

    How Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms Services Work

    “[Mild traumatic brain injury] makes the largest contribution to the global burden of disability. Timely intervention and structured follow up in this group could deliver substantial gains on public health and societal costs”

    Maas et al (2017)
    Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research
    The Lancet Neurology

    Between 70% and 90% of all traumatic brain injuries are categorised as concussion or minor brain injury. Whether caused by falls, sports, road accidents or assaults, these injuries can cause symptoms that persist for months.

    Reach’s Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms assessments and treatments detect and address these symptoms, setting smart goals that target clinical and functional outcomes.

    • Screening Assessment
    • PPCS Rehabilitation

    The first step towards successfully treating Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms is with a screening assessment. One of Reach’s expert Neurological Occupational Therapists will carry out a neurological screening and a functional assessment, focused on the patient’s higher executive skills and how they have been impacted by the injury or head trauma. This assessment can be carried out virtually, using a remote virtual platform which allow the patient to be assessed in their own home.

    Within 15 days of the initial screening assessment, you will receive a comprehensive report outlining the patient’s injuries, symptoms, and the best course of treatment. Once treatment has been authorised, one of Reach’s expert Programme Managers will carry out between six and eight clinical rehabilitation sessions with the patient in order to focus on their main symptoms. Unless otherwise required, these sessions will be delivered virtually, allowing the patient to rehabilitate themselves in their own homes, improving their independence and helping them recover towards their pre-injury function.

    Refer Your Clients for a Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms Assessment

    We respond to all PPCS referral requests as quickly as possible, and arrange the initial assessment within 21 days of a successful referral. To begin this process, contact reach today. 

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