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    Why a case manager should choose to work with Reach.


    Why a case manager should work with Reach?

    Reach services all revolve around providing high-quality, recovery-focused brain injury rehabilitation in clients’ own homes.

    Reach’s reputation shows personalised, home-based rehab maximizes TBI patients’ rehabilitation potential, helping them regain independence effectively.

    At Reach, we believe that working collaboratively with a Case Manager is an important part of this process.

    Collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the MDT framework are key to successful Case Management and achieving goals.

    Our patients experience fewer returns to the hospital, less family stress, and reach their optimum recovery within shorter periods.

    Our approach is cost-efficient

    Home-based rehab reduces costs by up to a third compared to residential settings, offering a significant financial benefit.

    The effectiveness of our approach has earned us the trust of patients, legal firms, insurers, and Case Managers, all of whom benefit from working collaboratively with Reach on a daily basis.

    We actively involve the case manager in the clinical rehab process, ensuring alignment with case management goals for client benefit. This way we are all working on the same pathway and towards the same outcomes for the benefit of the client.

    This focus on functional goals within the multidisciplinary framework also helps Case Managers working with us to measure progress within the goals and have peace of mind that there isn’t any treatment drift from Reach.

    Interim reports: keeping everyone in the loop.

    Eight-weekly interim reports are key. We invite Case Managers to join these review sessions actively. This allows you as the case manager to make the right decisions about your client’s ongoing treatment.

    We know it’s not always possible for case managers to attend review sessions which is why our approach is flexible. We work with you in a way that suits you best and is designed to help the patient regain their independence and work towards their pre-injury function.

    Flexible feedback mechanisms also outline our professional recommendations on how best to proceed with treatment, along with our goals, timescales and costs.

    Progress reviews where the client is most comfortable.

    Rehab reviews of a client’s recovery progress are best delivered where treatment is provided – in the patient’s own home environment.

    This is where the patient is most comfortable and confident, so it’s also where 

    Reach’s occupational therapy assessments are carried out.

    By fully understanding how symptoms affect clients in their day-to-day lives, Reach is able to recommend the most appropriate, efficient and cost-effective treatment to help them reach their rehabilitation targets.

    Our rehabilitation service has delivered excellent clinical outcomes for TBI patients for over 27 years. If you’re a Case Manager who would like to work with a collaborative company, speak to Reach today.

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